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Our Ministries

"We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God."  2 Cor 5:20


Image by Aaron Burden

Our Kid's Ministry

Our Youth Family

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Missionary Union

(WMU) is an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention that was founded in 1888.  It is the largest Protestant missions organization for women in the world.
CCBC has had a WMU since 1889.
(Meetings on hold due to Covid)



Cox's Creek offers an excellent music ministry under the direction of  Ann Brothers and pianst Susie Shields


Opportunities include:  Adult choir, accompanists, solos and more. 

Join us as you use your talents in music to help lead our church in worship

Check out our YouTube page for past worship songs


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